Aching heart


My heart
aches, aches of you
a muscle; a pang of
jealousy, the wanting- it hurts
save me


Hi! Cinquain here for the dVerse Poets :)
This was written truthfully… because my heart told me to <3 
Loving someone can be painful… but it’s still worth loving :) 


9 thoughts on “Aching heart

  1. Love can hurt – and you’ve definitely captured that in your poem. The repetition of aches works really well – even though repetition in such a brief form is something I’d normally avoid.

    1. Thank you! Yeah I agree- there are too few syllables to leave spare for repetitions in Cinquains but I hope having double times the ache was worth it! :D

  2. This is beautiful. The same intensity of my poem too. But my words are like nails and yours are like fragile wings in yours to me. (The sound of the words) Truly beautiful

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